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Altius Francisco de Vitoria Foundation is a non-profit organization set up in 2002. The Foundation promotes diverse initiatives on education, training, employment,social integration and cooperation for development. Altius is a key actor in terms of promoting and enabling youth participation in social life, focusing on needs of disadvantaged people. Foundation´s priorities at the youth field are foster the inclusion and amployability of young people with fewer opportunities (NEETs). The Foundation is hosting a Europe Direct Information Centre (EDIC)supported by the EC.Main aim is to bring EU closer to the citizens giving information, advice & assistance on EU´s policies and programmes also the Foundation is a host-sending organization of European Voluntary Service (EVS)for young people. Altius carries out inportant programmes to promote solidarity: 1kilo of help: http://www.1kilodeayuda.org works over 15 years supported by more than 200 volunteers, introducing a novel concept of solidarity. I cook employment: http://www.yococinoempleo.org providing job opportunities and training and also food to cover basic needs to jobseekers supported by over 100 volunteers.
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The DGSSIS-CM is in charge of the design, development, management, performance and evaluation of the social policies that belong to the competences of the Community of Madrid, as the guidelines of the regional Ministry of Family and Social Policies establish. All initiatives have the final objective of achieving better integration of the socially disadvantaged people, offering integrated attention to vulnerable families in the region, focusing on their rights protection, social and labour inclusion. The DGSSIS-CM is responsible for:
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The University of Nicosia (UNic) is the largest private university in Cyprus. It is an independent, co-educational, equal opportunity institution of higher education, which offers a wide range of programs to students from around the world. The University offers undergraduate as well as graduate studies in business, science, education and the liberal arts. International in philosophy, the University hosts students from all over the world, in a multicultural learning environment, promoting friendship, cooperation and understanding. The University pursues excellence in education through research and high teaching standards, in a continually improving academic environment. The University’s research profile is grounded on a broad-based platform across a wide range of disciplines. It is supported by groups and programmes, dedicated research institutes and individual scholarship structured around and across our Schools. It has conducted and successfully completed a number of social research activities with different social and excluded groups. In particular it has concluded primary research on the area of Asylum and Migration as well as a number of different frontline intervention in the same area of interest.
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Vilnius Business College was established in 1989 and provides higher education and training courses in the field of Business Administration and Management, Finance Management, IT programming and Internet Technologies, Applied Foreign languages. Its main target groups are secondary school graduates as well as working adults, unemployed, socially exclusive groups. The College also provides training for people who already have some work experience or acquired certain education or training, however, decided to either renew their competence and skills, or to acquire knowledge and qualification in new areas. Vilnius Business College is a member of Businet - a network for the development of Business Education programmes. It has been actively taking part in staff and student mobility under Socrates/Erasmus programme and took part in a number of projects under LLL programme including in the role of the Coordinator.Qualified and experienced of the College ensures successful project management.
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Lithuanian Centre of Non-formal Youth Education is a public educational assistance institution. It undertakes functions of educational support and employs competent non-formal education teachers and other professionals, who work in a creative way and applies different methodological types and directions of non-formal children education. Main objectives of the centre are to participate, during the formulation and implementation of state policy, in the field of non-formal education and vocational counselling. Goals of the centre activities are to prepare legislation and methodical material, to implement innovations in the field of non-formal children education, to organize qualification trainings for teachers of non-formal children education, to develop activities of non-formal children education, to coordinate and carry out careers counselling, to coordinate the organization of education for pupils with special educational needs. The centre has considerable experience in the implementation of EU projects.
AE2O is an NGO and accredited training provider, working especially with disfavoured low qualified young people, unemployed and at risk of social exclusion. AE2O runs Escola de Segunda Oportunidade de Matosinhos, a pilot project that started in 2008, the only 2nd chance school in the country, member of the European network of 2nd chance schools (E2C-Europe). The school targets 15 to 25 year olds early leavers, referred through social services, mainstream schools or “court support teams” for young offenders, offering 70 student places, beginning at any point of the year. It works in a very alternative way, offering young dropouts a new experience based on recognition, validation and certification of their competences. The students develop their own Individual Training Plans, combining vocational, artistic, school and personal and social skills, leading to sixth or ninth year school certification. The school offers a positive environment and art based curriculum which attracts the attendance of these young people and encourages their learning, engaging with the realities of their lives. AE2O develops also many other opportunities for personal, professional and social development, including international projects for mobility and exchange of practices. |
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Il filo d’Arianna (IT) is a non profit cultural association of social promotion founded on 8th March 1995 by Paola Taglioli, who was urged by an inner motivation to develop her creativity and face a new challenge. Started with very few members, our association has counted, over years, more than 4700 members, who have participated in our activities of non formal education and life-long learning.
The main goals of the Association are promoting socialization and integration through art, culture and adult education, and encouraging the discover of individual aptitudes and talents through creativity. The channels trough which we pursue our mission are constituted from courses, events and European Projects, in fact the association’s most remarkable feature is its multi-thematic concept and flexibility, of operating in different cultural fields and with people of different ages and backgrounds. We approach our public through courses, where we are able to get to know the participants easily and deeply; and through events, where we have the chance to have fun and promote cultural activities. Furthermore, since 2005 we are active in international partnerships through ERASMUS + European projects. |
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BIDA E V.KULTUR UND BILDUNG, Alemania (Germany) BIDA e.V.Kultur und Bildung is an young organisation, but the members of the organisation already have broad experience. The purpose of the organisation is to promote youth and elderly care, art, culture, and education using interactive methods for socializing at various target groups and also international understanding and development cooperation. In last two years the organisation has created interdisciplinary projects, showing new ways of communication, culture and education, and are facilitating different activities (events, seminars, discussions, workshops) aimed at the social integration of marginalized groups and groups at risk of social exclusion – such as immigrants and refugees. Last years BIDA e.V.Kultur und Bildung realized local projects, which are related to the proposed action. The objectives were: intercultural education; promotion of tolerance; mediation of values such as solidarity, respect and social behaviour; detection of human differences. The organisation develops partnership and active cooperation between the state institutions, local-self government and public administration, citizens, NGOs and private sector; educates experts, citizens and especially young people in order to increase their competence in the activities that facilitate the social inclusion and counselling people of different age groups.
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DIAGRAMA FOUNDATION, Reino Unido (UK) Diagrama Foundation supports people who are at risk of social exclusion. Human rights are at the heart of our work and we take every opportunity to both promote and defend the rights of those we work with and for. Our aim is to prevent people from becoming socially excluded and to reintegrate those that have. In order to achieve this we undertake research into best practice and develop programmes and centres to achieve this. Diagrama Foundation provides a host of services for children and adults, including residential homes, fostering and adoption, education and therapeutic services and secure and non-secure transportation. The Foundation was incorporated under Companies Act 1985, in October 2007, under its full name “Diagrama Foundation Psychosocial Intervention”. In March 2009, we obtained charity status in England and Wales.
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HUMANITY AND LONGEVITY Ltd, Bulgaria (Bulgaria) "Humanity & Longevity" Ltd. was founded in 2013 by professionals in the field of human activities. The organization is dedicated to caring for the elderly, disadvantaged people, children and youth at risk and their families.The team of organization has an experience in direct work with elderly, disabled, people from risk groups, children with disabilities and children with special educational needs.Professional experience of the team members is derived from their work in State social structures. The organization provides social services: „Home for eldery“ – this is a specialized institution, providing a complex of social services for people in retirenment. „Home Care Services“ – it is a complex of social services, provided in the homes of the eldery and lonely peoplewith food delivery, assistants, health and social inclusion. “Centre for temporary accommodation of homeless people” - a complex of social services For homeless people aimed to satisfy their daily needs. The organization has experience in the implementation of national and international projects with a social focus and target groups - children and young people at risk and their families, the disabled and the elderly.